Interface ActivatedJob


  • ActivatedJob


bpmnProcessId: string

The bpmn process ID of the job process definition

customHeaders: string

A set of custom headers defined during modelling

deadline: string

When the job will timeout on the broker if it is not completed by this worker. In epoch milliseconds

elementId: string

The associated task element ID

elementInstanceKey: string

The unique key identifying the associated task, unique within the scope of the process instance

key: string

The key, a unique identifier for the job

processDefinitionKey: string

The key of the job process definition

processDefinitionVersion: number

The version of the job process definition

processInstanceKey: string

The job's process instance key

retries: number
type: string

The job type, as defined in the BPMN process (e.g. <zeebe:taskDefinition type="payment-service" />)

variables: string

All visible variables in the task scope, computed at activation time, constrained by any fetchVariables value in the ActivateJobRequest.

worker: string

The name of the worker that activated this job

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