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The camunda-platform-7-rest-client-spring-boot uses HTTP to access a remote Camunda Platform 7 REST API. If any errors occur on this access, Camunda Platform 7 REST API will send with corresponding HTTP error code and embed information about the error into http response. camunda-platform-7-rest-client-spring-boot tries to parse this response and throw an exception on the client side similar to the original exception thrown on the remote Camunda Platform 7 Engine.

By default, the library tries to decode HTTP codes and will throw a RemoteProcessEngineException. If the response decoding was successful, the cause of the thrown RemoteProcessEngineException will be the instance of the exception class thrown on remote Camunda Platform 7 engine and the reason of the latter exception will be the original reason from the server.

If anything goes wrong on HTTP error decoding, the RemoteProcessEngineException will contain a generic message extracted from the REST call. If the error decoding is deactivated, FeignException is wrapping any exception occurring during the remote access.


By default, the HTTP error decoding is switched on and the library reacts on HTTP codes 400 and 500. Those defaults can be changed by setting the following properties.

In order to configure it, a block of properties e.g. in application.yml is required. Here are the defaults:

        enabled: true
        http-codes: 400, 500


If you are using the remote version of the ExternalTaskService this will report HTTP 404 if you try to complete a non-existing task. By changing the property you can cover this response too.

Last update: August 19, 2022