Zeebe C# Client 2.9.0
C# Client to communicate with an Zeebe Gateway
No Matches
Zeebe.Client.Api.Responses Namespace Reference


interface  IActivateJobsResponse
interface  IBroadcastSignalResponse
 Response for broadcasting a signal. More...
interface  IBrokerInfo
interface  ICancelProcessInstanceResponse
 Response on a cancel process instance command. More...
interface  ICompleteJobResponse
 Represents an response for an job complete command request. More...
interface  IDecisionMetadata
interface  IDecisionRequirementsMetadata
interface  IDeployResourceResponse
interface  IEvaluatedDecision
interface  IEvaluatedDecisionInput
interface  IEvaluatedDecisionOutput
interface  IEvaluateDecisionResponse
 Response for evaluating a decision on the broker. More...
interface  IFailJobResponse
 Represents an response for an job fail command request. More...
interface  IFormMetadata
interface  IJob
interface  IMatchedDecisionRule
interface  IModifyProcessInstanceResponse
 Response on a process instance to modification. More...
interface  IPartitionInfo
interface  IProcessInstanceResponse
 Response for an create process instance command. More...
interface  IProcessInstanceResult
 Response for an create process instance with result command. More...
interface  IProcessMetadata
interface  IPublishMessageResponse
 Response for publishing a message. More...
interface  IResolveIncidentResponse
 Response for an resolve incident request. More...
interface  ISetVariablesResponse
 Response for an set variables request. More...
interface  IThrowErrorResponse
 Response for an throw error request. More...
interface  ITopology
interface  IUpdateJobTimeoutResponse
 Response for an update job timeout request. More...
interface  IUpdateRetriesResponse
 Response for an update retries request. More...


enum  PartitionBrokerRole { LEADER , FOLLOWER }
 The RAFT role of the broker either LEADER or FOLLOWER.